, pub-2889625447649880, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Facebook income .

Facebook income .

                                     Facebook  Income  - Five  Easy  Ways .

                                                     Prabhakar kumar  | 22  May ,  2019 


     Almost  everyone  is fascinated  with the largest social networking site  Facebook .  People  use  this platform to share their  moments , feelings or emotions  , photos and videos .  But a few of  them  know that  Facebook  could be a source of income .  Yes , there are a lot of ways to make  money  from  Facebook. You   just  need to  have  a  fan  page  with massive  follower -ship or a large friend  list  of  active users . We  have  selected the  best  methods that are quite easy as well. --

   [1]  Make  money by shares and likes :- This is the most popular  and easiest way of making money from  Facebook . If you have a large friend list of active users  , then you can easily get likes and shares from  them for  other's pages .Also , you can share links and posts  for  money to  get likes through  your  fan  page  that  has  thousands of followers .  is the most known place  where you can sell  Facebook share and  like  service . 

                                                                                      [2]  Earn With  Affiliate Marketing Links :- Once you have got more than thousand  of page  likes or have  active  users in friend  list  on your   Facebook  account , you  can earn  money  by   simply sharing  affiliate links . Make sure you  share affiliate  links  with good  content that  grab  audience's  attention . You will  be  paid commission for  each purchase  that your  fans make  through  your  links . Amazon  , Flipcart and many  other online shopping sites run  such affiliate  programs . 

                                                                                       [3] Sell  Facebook  Fan Pages :-   Many  companies or individuals  want  to  buy  Fan Pages  that  have huge audience  and they really  paid  handsome  money for  that .  So you can also  make  a fan page  and post good content  that  is  engaging , run  this  page  unless it  gets  large fan following and you are  ready  to sell  that page  for  any  price  that  you  want  . Really this  method  works amazingly  good . 

                                                                                                  [4] Get Paid for Likes :-   This   is also  one  of the easiest method  of earning  money by  liking posts  and  pages . In order  to  increase the  brand  awareness  a lot of companies  pay  users  in return  of  likes . There are  a lot of  micro  work sites  that  pay you to like pages / posts . This  is  a way to make  money that really do not  need much efforts . 

                                                                                                   [5] Become Social media manager :-  Almost  every  company uses  Facebook for increasing  their brand awareness  and to  constantly interact  with their  customers .So  They need  social  media  managers that  can regularly  share  content , photos , promotional offer  and  other  related information  on their  fan pages . If you are familiar with  Facebook  and can interact  with  strangers  then this  is  the best  work  for you .The best thing is that  you can remotely  become  social media  manager  so do not have  to  leave your comfort zone for  this job . 

                                                                                                          [6]  Promote Other Pages or Products for Money :- Again  the requirement for  work is  also  a fan page or large friend list . Once you have one of these you  can  easily  earn case  for promoting other's pages or products  with your audience . Companies pay  attractive money for  promoting their  goods  , services or pages . So all  these are some popular methods that  are very  easy and everyone  can  do  these  simple  tasks  to  make  living through  Facebook  .  Hope you all  will like this post and get benefits  from it . Thanks . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The  End.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------